
DJ Sweet Keish

Welcome to the world DJ SWEET KEISH.

Greetings and big hugs to all of my readers. I’ve had writers block for the past month. This has been hard on me because I pride myself on giving my readers quality and consistent posts. But fear not because I have been working hard learning how to DJ!!

Who are you ?

Apart from being a fabulous blogger. I’m a creative individual who works part-time at a bar, who happens to attend a dj course during the week and happily uses her spare time to learn scripts to perfect her acting skills.ย  To the average person this seems like a lot to handle but somehow it naturally happens to balance itself.

Why a DJ ?

My best friend told me about the course and she really wanted me to do it with her. I was totally against it because I didn’t want to spend money on a course that I had no passion for. She went to an open day and informed me on how amazing it was. I was onlyย  70% convinced. I decided to say yes because I always take risks, my dad was DJ and my mother thought I would be amazing at it.


Is it hard ?

What I have learnt is that to be an amazing DJ you need to practice and be versatile. I would be naive to say it’s easy. However I do believe that if you are educated in music or studied musical production or you have a good ear for music. Then you do have an advantage. Unlike me I had none of the above and im still learning about certain musical terms. Life is hard. DJ’ing to me is about practicing and being patient. You’re not going to be an overnight star if you just started.

There is so much competition is it worth it ?

This is something you should decide for yourself. DJ’ing is not a career that should be rushed. If you’re thinking of considering this path you need to make time for it and be patient.

My task to you is:

  • Go clubbing sober on a friday night and saturday night.
  • Visit three clubs per night.
  • Pay attention to the DJ’s mixes and the music.
  • Pay attention to the drunk crowd
  • Pay attention to how the music makes you feel

Report back to me ๐Ÿ™‚

What type of DJ are you ?

Club DJ. Although I am open to DJ’ing at any event!

Why a Club DJ ?

Imagine you have the chance to control the energy of other people. You can create any atmosphere through playing music. You can debut a career. Celebrities respect you. The better the club the bigger the money.ย  That my dear is POWERFUL

Can I hire you ?

No. When im ready you will be the first to know



Follow me on social media for any updates.




6 comments on “DJ Sweet Keish

  1. Great post! Great to see you back blogging again ๐Ÿ˜€


  2. Good to have you back! DJing sounds like so much fun. I used to produce a radio show in uni and my favourite part was putting together the playlist.


    Liked by 1 person

    • oh wicked!!!! yh i love the radio!!!! that’s a avenue im interested into interviewing people, news opinions its like blogging and DJing together ..hmmmm you gave me an idea


  3. Where the hell have you gone? Seriously? I’ve been waiting since October for another installment ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Not cool man.


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